Attention, stage international, les transmissions se feront essentiellement en anglais !
A five-day workshop to explore some fundamental gestures and knowledge that underlie our humanity…
Price : 545€ (445€ : teaching fee and materials // 100€ : food)
From 12 years (children should be accompanied)
2 teachers, max 12 participants
Contact of our hosts :
Course content :
- Primitive pottery (~ 3 days). From wild clay to ceramics. Shaping small items and cooking in an open hearth.
- Fire as in Prehistory (~ 0.5 days). Bow drill friction and flint-marcassite percussion.
- Wild basketry (~ 1.5 days). On crossbar or hoops. Collection and preparation of wild materials (vines, roots, shoots, barks, leaves…) and weaving of baskets.
- It will be possible to test working with primitive tools made of stone, wood, bone, antler…
Location and amenities : Saurat, Ariège (09) « The little wild »
The Little Wild is a new habitat for re-learning and rewilding, up in the Pyrenees in France. It started last year, and the local team is in the beginning of its journey. Its 2ha land include regenerating forest, meadows and streams, with mountain rivers nearby. We will sleep mainly in tents, sharing a communal house and outdoor spaces. If you need an indoor sleeping place – please contact hosts in advance. Note, we will be outdoors a lot, and you need to equip yourself for all weathers. In case of rain, we have large canvases and a barn to work under cover.
Food : We eat nutritious plant-based food, and buy in bulk from organic producers. 100€ food cost is included in the course fee. You are invited to bring contributions from your country or region, friends’ produce or special treats to share. You can bring eggs or dairy from animals which your you or yo friends take care of, but nothing from large-scale commercial farming or industry, please.
Train station : The closer one is « Tarascon-sur-Ariège ».
Parking : As there are limited space in the direct vicinity, please, think about carpooling. We will share informations about other participants about 1 month – 15 days before the course so you can organize yourself together. A shuttle service between Tarascon-sur-Ariège train station and the workshop venue will also be proposed.
Dogs : It is more appropriate if you can come without your pet. If you don’t have any other solution, then please check with hosts individually before as there are a few conditions.
Contact of our hosts :
Equipement to bring :
- Appropriate outdoor clothing (for rain/sun/cold) and footwear.
- Knife & shears
- Your sleeping gear
- Gourd or water bottle
- Something to make light (lamp)
Online ticketing and reservations :
You can purchase your entire ticket online via the HelloAsso platform. Please note that a contribution to the operation of HelloAsso will be automatically suggested to you. This contribution is NOT OBLIGATORY. Detailed explanations will be provided before payment in the « Récapitulatif » section at the bottom of the page under « Votre contribution au fonctionnement de HelloAsso », allowing you to choose whether or not to participate, fully informed ;-).
To make your reservation effective, we ask for a deposit of 145€.
To do this, when registering on HelloAsso, select the « arrhes » rate. The balance must be paid at the beginning of the workshop, by check, cash, or bank transfer.
If the minimum of 8 people is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the workshop, no later than 15 days before. In this case, the full amount of tickets and deposits received will of course be refunded.
If for any reason you wish to cancel your attendance, please notify us no later than one month before the workshop. Otherwise (except in cases of force majeure), we might not refund the deposits.