Nature, Autonomie, Préhistoire, Savoir-faire ancestraux

[STAGE] « Patronage : concevoir ses vêtements en cuir » avec Dr Theresa Emmerich Kamper, Le Mas-d’Azil (09)

Début : 17 mars 2023 – 9h00

Fin : 19 mars 2023 – 16h00

Intervenante : Dr. Theresa Emmerich Kamper

Theresa ne parle pas français, mais alle sera accompagnée d’une assistante-traductrice 😉

This course is designed to teach you how to pattern and tailor bespoke/custom leather clothing of your own design!

Don’t miss this unique chance to make your own garment under the supervision of Theresa! She has years of experience making custom clothing both for private individuals and museum replications. In addition to her talent for tailoring, she is an expert tanner, specializing in prehistoric traditional tanning technologies.

This course will cover all you need to know to begin patterning and making your own well-fitted leather garments!

The course will begin with an overview of the possibilities when tailoring and designing leather clothing. You will have the opportunity to view a large collection of sample garments for inspiration. We will discuss the options and uses for different types of leathers for different types of clothing and utilitarian items.

You will learn a variety of stitches used for sewing fat tanned leather, as well as which stitch is best used for which type of seam or part of the garment. Each person will make a stitch card to get used to the different stitches and sewing with leather lace.

Of course, the most important step for making well fitted clothing is good tailoring! This course will help you overcome the difficulties typical of your first time sewing with leather. We promise you will leave the course with a garment that fits!

It is often difficult to visualize a 2 dimensional pattern fitting a 3 dimensional body. Theresa will walk you through this process so that you create a pattern unique to you!

After patterning how to lay the pattern out on the leather will be covered. This is important to do well so the garment stays the same shape though out washing and wearing.

You will work with lovely soft fat tanned skins which while commercially produced are the closest equivalent to hand tanned brain-tan/buckskin.

The sewing will be done with either leather lace and/or artificial sinew.

The course aim is to have everyone’s garment at least halfway finished by the end of the course. How far you progress on your item will greatly depend on what you chose to sew, how complicated of stitching you chose and how fast you sew.

Though you will not finish a complete garment in the 3 days, by the end of this course you will have the skills and confidence to complete the garment on your own, as well as produce future functional works of art!


The Leather:

*The price of the leather is NOT included in the course price due to the variation in the number of skins needed for different garment types and sizes. We ask for your choice of garment in advance, as well as your basic measurements.

* Due to the time frame of the course and the complexity of some clothing we limit the kind of garments you can choose from.

*The leather we buy is commercially tanned grain-off fat tanned roe deer, red deer or sheep skin.

*You can of course, bring and use your own leather if this is grain-off fat tanned leather (buckskin/brain tan).

*We ask you to bring your own fastenings (buttons and alike) as those are a personal taste.


To give you an idea of the skins needed, based on roe deer skin size:

> 2 – 3 for a tank top or sleeveless top

> 4 – 6 for a long sleeve shirt

> 2 – 4 for shorts

> 5 – 7 for long pants


Estimation of leather prices per garment: these are based on current prices, please be aware that the actual price might differ.

Long sleeves shirt € 215,-

Long trousers € 145,-

Shorts € 85,-

Vests / tank tops € 85,-


Additional Information:

Duration: 3 days (Friday 10:00 am – Sunday ± 17:00 pm)

Group size: Min 6 – Max 10

Prerequisites: Basic sewing skills needed (not necessarily with leather, but we want to make sure you have worked with a needle before to make it possible for you to complete your garment)

Included: All sewing materials and coffee/tea

Not included: The leather per person, meals


Lieu & commodités : Le Mas d’Azil, Ariège (09)

Le stage se déroulera au sein d’une grande propriété collective (chez nos voisins) située sur le piémont pyrénéen.

A l’intérieur, nous aurons accès à une salle de travail chauffée, une cuisine commune, un dortoir collectif, toilettes et douche.

Repas :

Les repas ne sont pas compris dans le coût du stage.

Si vous le souhaitez, pour un supplément de 30€ nous proposons de prendre en charge l’ensemble de la nourriture (petit-déjeuner, déjeuner préparé par nos soins, dîner cuisiné ensemble).

Ceci-dit, chacun-e est chaleureusement invité à emmener ses spécialités à partager en mode « auberge espagnole » !

300€ (frais pédagogiques et matériel) +10€/jour pour la location du lieu +85 à 215€ pour le cuir (voir rubrique « The leather » dans la description)

À partir de 12 ans, mineurs accompagnés

Informations et réservations :

Pour toute information complémentaire ou pour vous inscrire, contactez-nous.

Afin de valider votre réservation, nous vous demanderons par la suite de nous faire parvenir par voie postale un chèque d’arrhes de 50€ à l’ordre de « Inspiration Sauvage ». Ce chèque ne sera pas encaissé et vous sera restitué le jour de votre arrivée ou en cas de désistement de votre part, au plus tard 15 jours avant le début du stage. Passé ce délai, le montant sera dû (et reversé à Theresa).

330 €